Kirtan - Sanskrit Chants
In Kirtan, we come together and chant. This is a powerful experience that can create an altered state among participants. Marje will lead in a call-and-response format. There is often a drummer or percussionist to bring the energy even higher.
An ancient language, Sanskrit has been chanted for centuries as a devotional practice. Also called mantras, Sanskrit prayers are intoned or sung; a group chant is known as Kirtan.
The vowels of Sanskrit are attuned to the seven chakras, or energy centers along the spine. Thus, chanting Sanskrit mantras will effect profound changes in our energy. A few minutes of chanting can calm us, energize us, and can also produce a state of bliss.
The mantras are prayers of devotion, usually to a Hindu deity. Each deity is associated with a different aspect of human affairs. For example, Ganesha is the Remover of Obstacles, Lakshmi is the Goddess of Abundance and Saraswati is the Goddess of Wisdom, Learning and Creativity. Each of these are different energies that together comprise the one Godhead. We may evoke different energies and create new outcomes by selecting specific chants.

Vocal Performance
Offered for all levels, these small group settings are perfect for students who want to improve their vocal technique as well as their performance skills.
In eight to twelve weekly sessions, students work on vocal warm-ups, breathing exercises, tone and projection. Recorded warmups are practiced at home.
Each student selects two songs to work on. All aspects of a polished performance will be covered – tempo, style, arrangement, working with an accompanist, and how to tell a story with the lyrics. The workshop culminates in a concert given by the participants to showcase their songs.